بازگشت   پی سی سیتی > کامپیوتر اینترنت و شبکه Computer internet > نرم افزار - سخت افزار و بازیهای کامپیوتری > دانلود نرم افزار و برنامه های کاربردی applications

دانلود نرم افزار و برنامه های کاربردی applications در این تالار به معرفی پرسش و پاسخ و دانلود نرم افزار های مختلف بپردازید (دانلود برنامه)

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 04-07-2011
دانه کولانه آواتار ها
دانه کولانه دانه کولانه آنلاین نیست.
    مدیر کل سایت
کوروش نعلینی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

7,486 سپاس در 1,899 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض دانلود هایرنز بوت Hiren's BootCD آخرین نسخه از کاملترین سی دی راه انداز کامپیوتر و برطرف کردن مشکلات سیستم

دانلود هایرنز بوت Hiren's BootCD آخرین نسخه از کاملترین سی دی راه انداز کامپیوتر و برطرف کردن مشکلات سیستم

در یک کلام اگر کاربر حرفه ای کامیپوتر هستید باید حتما این سی دی رو داشته باشید ...

به طور خلاصه این دسته از نرم افزار ها در داخل این سی دی پیدا میشه

- Partition بندي و تغيير حجم Partition ها .
- رفع عيوب سخت افزاري .
- راه اندازي System .
- تهيه و بازيابي نسخه پشتيبان از اطلاعات .
- Virus يابي .
- بازيابي اطلاعات و Partition هاي حذف شده .
- ابزار هاي تعمير و رفع اشكال Hard Disk .
- مديريت و كار با Drive هاي NTFS .
- به دست آوردن يا عوض کردن PassWord در Windows و Bios .
- مديريت File هاي Hard Disk ، ابزار هاي مرتبط با Bios و CMOS .
و ...
بوده آن هم در محيطي کاملا ساده و آسان در قالب يک Boot CD .

از قابليت هاي منحصر به فرد اين CD ، دارا بودن يك نسخه ي خلاصه شده Windows XP( آن هم كاملا گرافيكي - در نسخه های قدیمی تر ویندوز 98 موجود است ) مي باشد (بدون نیاز به نصب - لایو ورژن )

اين CD زماني به کمک ما خواهد آمد که دسترسي به محيط Windows نداشته و مي خواهيم به رفع عيوب System از طريق محيط هاي BOOT و DOS بپردازيم که در پاره اي از مواقع الزامي و مورد استفاده خواهد بود .
شما براي استفاده از اين CD ، تنها کافي است که آن را داخل CD-Rom گذاشته و از طريق Boot CD Drive اجرا کنيد و به کمک نرم افزارهاي موجود در اين CD به رفع عيوب و مشکلات System خود بپردازيد .

..: Hiren's BootCD :..

سایت اصلی هایرنز بوت



من توصیه میکنم حتما نسخه این رو دانلود کنین (مثل 9.2 )که نرم افزار Norton Ghost 11.0.1 رو داشته باشه

یک نرم افزار بسیار قویه که شما میتونین به راحتی از کل یک درایوتون (مثل درایو ویندوز) یک بک آپ بگیرین تا هر وقت ویندوزتون خراب شد خیلی سریع برش گردونین به همراه تمام نرم افزارهایی که روش نصب کرده اید .

ویرایش توسط دانه کولانه : 04-15-2011 در ساعت 12:45 AM
پاسخ با نقل قول
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید

قدیمی 04-07-2011
دانه کولانه آواتار ها
دانه کولانه دانه کولانه آنلاین نیست.
    مدیر کل سایت
کوروش نعلینی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

7,486 سپاس در 1,899 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض دانلود Hiren's BootCD لینک مستقیم نسخه Hiren's Boot CD 10 Final

دانلود Hiren's BootCD لینک مستقیم نسخه Hiren's Boot CD 10 Final

Partition Tools - ابزارهاي مرتبط با Partition :

- Partition Magic Pro 8.05 :
بهترين نرم افزار در زمينه ي Partition بندي Hard Drive .

- Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274 :
ابزاري رايج براي Partition بندي .

- Acronis Disk Director Suite 9.0.554 :
مجموعه اي از ابزارهاي قدرتمند مديريت Hard Disk .

- Partition Commander 9.01 :
ابزاري براي Partition بندي Hard با توانايي Undo ( بازگشت عمل انجام شده ) .

- Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 :
نرم افزاري براي مديريت Boot و Partition هاي Hard .

- The Partition Resizer v1.3.4 :
ابزاري مخصوص تغيير Size و انتقال Partition ها .

- Smart Fdisk 2.05 :
نرم افزاري براي اجراي دستور FDisk و Partition بندي و راه اندازي Hard Drive هاي نو .

- SPecial Fdisk 2000 :
نرم افزاري ديگر براي اجراي دستور FDisk و Partition بندي.

- eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3 :
نرم افزاري ديگر و بسيار ساده براي اجراي دستور FDisk و Partition بندي و Edit آن ها .

- GDisk 1.1.1 :
جايگزيني كامل براي نرم افزارهاي تحت داس مطرح FDISK و بيشتر .

Disk Clone Tools - ابزار هاي مرتبط با Backup :

- imageCenter 5.6 / Drive image 2002 :
نرم افزاري مطرح براي گرفتن نسخه ي پشتيبان از Hard .

- Norton Ghost 11.0.1 :
محصول بسيار قدرتمند از Company بزرگ Symantec در زمينه گرفتن نسخه ي پشتيبان از Hard با قابليت پشتيباني از Usb / Scsi .

- Acronis True Image 8.1.945 :
نرم افزار قدرتمند Company بزرگ Arconis براي گرفتن Backup كامل از System و عمليات Disk Cloning .

- COPYR.DMA Build013 :
ابزاري مفيد براي گرفتن Copy از Hard Disk هاي Bad Sector دار !

- Partition Saving 3.40 :
نرم افزاري براي Backup گرفتن و reStore کردن .

Antivirus Tools - ابزار هاي Virus ياب و Virus كش :

- F-Prot Antivirus 3.16 f / 2705
- McAfee Antivirus 4.4.50 / 2705
دو ويروس كش قدرتمند در محيط هاو Menu هاي ساده با قابليت پشتيباني از NTFS .

Recovery Tools - بازيابي اطلاعات صدمه ديده :

- Active Partition Recovery 3.0 :
ابزاري براي بازيابي Partition حذف شده .

- Active Uneraser 3.0 :
ابزاري براي بازيابي File ها و Folder ها بر روي System هاي FAT و NTFS .

- Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.10 :
ابزاری ارائه شده از شركت Ontrack براي بازيابي اطلاعات حذف شده توسط Virus ها .

- Winternals Disk Commander 1.1 :
ابزاري Standard جهت بازگرداني File هاي پاک شده .

- TestDisk 6.6b :
ابزاري براي Chek و بازيابي Patition هاي حذف شده .

- Lost & Found 1.06 :
نرم افزاري قديمي و بسيار قدرتمند براي بازيابي اطلاعات حذف شده .

- Prosoft Media Tools 5.0 v1.1.2.64 :
نرم افزاري ديگر جهت باز يابي اطلاعات به همراه Option هاي فراوان .

- PhotoRec 6.6b :
ابزاري قدرتمند براي بازيابي تصاوير و فايلهاي پاك شده .

- DiyDataRecovery Diskpatch 2.1.100 :
نرم افزاري عالي براي بازيابي اطلاعات حذف شده .

Testing Tools - ابزارهاي Test و عيب يابي قطعات سخت افزاري :

- System Speed Test 4.78 :
ابزاري مناسب براي تست سرعت CPU و Hard و ... .

- PC-Check 6.0 :
ابزاري آسان براي تست قطعات سخت افزاري .

- Ontrack Data Advisor 5.0 :
نرم افزار شناسايي System براي نمايش شرايط آن .

- PC Doctor 3.0 :
محافظي براي سيستم شما كه به تست سخت افزاري و كسب اطلاعات در مورد اجزاي مختلف مي پردازد .

- Test Cpu / Video/ Disk 5.6 :
ابزاري براي تست CPU ، Video و Hard Disk .

- The Troubleshooter 7.02
- Test Hard Disk Drive 1.0

مجموعه ابزار هاي Test سخت افزاري ... .

RAM ( Memory ) Testing Tools :

- DocMemory 3.1b
- GoldMemory 5.07

دو ابزار براي Test سخت افزاري حافظه ي RAM .

- Memtest86+ 1.70 :
ابزاري مناسب براي Test حافظه ي اصلي System .

Hard Disk Tools - عيب يابي و تعميير Hard Disk :

- Hard Disk Diagnostic Utilities :
مجموعه ابزارهاي تشخيص و رفع عيوب بسيار مفيد انواع مدل هاي Hard Disk از قبيل :

Seagate Seatools Desktop Edition 3.02
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools
Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.04f
Maxtor PowerMax 4.23
Maxtor amset utility 4.0
Maxtor(or any Hdd) Low Level Formatter 1.1
Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 6.61
Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0
Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.02
Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28
IBM/Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.08
IBM/Hitachi Feature Tool 2.03
Gateway GwScan 3.15
ExcelStor's ESTest 3.80
MHDD 4.6
WDClear 1.30
Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b
SeaTools for Dos 1.08

- HDD Regenerator 1.51 :
ابزاري قدرتمند و مطرح براي بازيابي و رفع مشکل Bad Sector .

- Ontrack Disk Manager 9.57 :
ابزاري مناسب براي Test و افزايش توانايي Hard Disk .

- Norton Disk Doctor 2002 :
نرم افزاري براي تشخصي عيوب Hard شما و تعمير آن .

- Norton Disk Editor 2002 :
نرم افزاري ديگر براي ويرايش Hard و بازيابي اطلاعات به صورت دستي .

- Active Kill Disk 3.1 :
نرم افزاري براي نابود سازي و حذف تمامي اطلاعات Hard .

- HDAT2 4.5.2 :
Test و تعمير Hard براي Bad Sector هاي آن .

- SmartUDM 2.00 :
ابزاري براي نمايش دقيق مشکلات Hard Dick .

- Victoria 3.33 :
ابزاري مناسب براي رفع ايراد هاي جزئي Hard .

System Information Tools - ابزارهاي دستيابي به اطلاعات سخت افزاري :

- Aida16 2.14 :
ابزاري مفيد براي استخراج تمامي اطلاعات مورد نياز شما در مورد System تان .

- PCI and AGP info Tool / 2705 :
ابزاري براي جمع آوري اطلاعات در مورد PCI هاي System .

- System Analyser version 5.3q
- Navratil Software System Information 0.59.9
- Astra 5.31
- HwInfo 5.0.5
- PC-Config 9.33 / 0408
- SysChk 2.46

۶ ابزار بسيار قدرتمند و حرفه اي براي نمايش اطلاعات كامل در مورد System .

- CPU Identification utility v1.12
- CTIA CPU Information

دو نرم افزار جهت كسب اطلاعات كامل در مورد CPU و وضعيت آن .

MBR ( Master Boot Record ) Tools :

- MBRWork 1.07b
- MBR Tool 2.2.100

دو ابزار مناسب براي BackUp گيري ، بازگرداني، ويرايش، حذف و نمايش MBR .

- DiskMan4 :
همه نوع ابزار براي نمايش cmos ، bios ، bootrecord و ... .

- BootFix Utility :

اجراي ابزارها اگر شما به اين بر خورديد : invalid system disk .

BootSave و BootRest ابزارهايي براي Save و restore کردن MBR .

- Boot Partition 2.60 :
اضافه کردن Partition در Windows هاي NT / 2000 / XP Multi-Boot Loader .

- Partition Table Doctor 3.5 :
ابزاري براي repair ، Modify Mbr و حل مشکلات Bootsector .

- Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1 :
ابزاري براي مديريت Boot .

- Bootmagic 8.0 :
ابزاري براي تنظيمات Boot و نصب همزمان چند سيستم عامل .

BIOS / CMOS Tools :

- CMOS 0.93 :
ابزاري مفيد براي ذخيره و بازيابي CMOS .

- BIOS Cracker 4.8
- BIOS Cracker 1.4
دو ابزار مفيد براي حذف PassWord موجود در Bios .

- BIOS Utility 1.35.0
- !BIOS 3.20
- UniFlash 1.40
- Kill CMOS
- Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43

ابزارهايي براي كسب اطلاعات و ايجاد تنظيمات و تغييرات در Bios .

MultiMedia Tools :

- Picture Viewer 1.94 :

نرم افزاري قدرتمند براي پخش تصاوير در محيط Dos با پشتيباني بيش از 40 Format رايج تصويري.

- QuickView Pro 2.58 :
نرم افزاري براي پخش Video در محيط Dos با قابليت پشتيباني Format هاي مختلف حتي DivX .

- MpxPlay 1.55 alfa 2 :
نرم افزاري براي پخش Music در محيط ِDos .

Password Tools :

- Active Password Changer 3.0.420
- Offline NT/2K/XP Password Changer
- Registry Viewer 4.2
- ATAPWD 1.2

ابزارهايي مناسب براي برگرداندن و تغيير Pass عبور سيستم هاي عامل ويندوز از قبيل

NT ، 2000 ، XP و 2003 و تغييرات در آنها ( به گفته ي بعضي از اساتید! Hack کردن Password ) .

NTFS ( FileSystems ) Tools :

- NTFS Dos Pro 5.0
- NTFS 4 Dos 1.8
- NTFS Dos 3.02

ابزارهايي جهت دسترسي به Partition هاي NTFS از طريق Dos .

- Paragon Mount Everything 3.0 :
نرم افزاري قدرتمند براي دسترسي به Partition هاي NTFS ، Ext2FS ، Ext3FS از طريق Dos .

- EditBINI 1.01 :

ابزاري براي ويرايش Boot.ini در پارتيشن هاي NTFS .

Dos File Managers - نرم افزار هاي مديريت File در محيط Dos :

- Volkov Commander 4.99 :
نرم افزاري قدرتمند براي مديريت File ها در محيط Dos شبيه به نرم افزار مطرح Norton Commander .

- Dos Command Center 5.1 :
نرم افزاري قديمي براي مديريت File ها در محيط Dos .

- File Wizard 1.35 :
File Manager ي رنگي و زيبا و در محيط Dos با قابليت Drag&Drop و ساير دستورات .

- File Maven 3.5
- FastLynx 2.0

File Manager ۲ بسيار قدرتمند و سريع در انتقال Data از PC به PC از طريق كابل .

- LapLink 5.0 :
نرم افزاری سبک برای انتقال File ها بين PC ها .

- Dos Navigator 6.4.0 :
نرم افزاري همچون Dos File Manager ، Norton Commander clone اما با قابليت هاي بيشتر .

- Mini Windows 98 :

يك Windows كوچك و مفيد با پشتيباني NTFS و Format هاي مطرح از قبيل File هاي فشرده و همچنين داراي Disk Defragmenter و Notpad و Wordpad و ابزارهاي براي پخش تصوير ، Music و Video .

Other Tools - ابزارهاي جانبي :

- DosCDroast beta 2 :
ابزاري بسيار مفيد براي رايت CD در محيط داس !

- Ghost Walker 2003.793 :
ابزاري براي تغيير Security ID يا همان SID براي Windows هاي 2000 / NT و XP .

- Universal TCP/IP Network 5.93

Dos Tools :

- USB CD-Rom Driver 1 :
Standard usb_cd.sys driver براي Cd Drive .

- Universal USB Driver 2 :
Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager براي USB Mass Storage .

- SCSI Support :
SCSI Drivers براي Dos .

- Interlnk support at COM1 :
دسترسي به ديگر Computer ها از طريق COM Port .

- interlnk support at LPT1 :
دسترسي به ديگر Computer ها از طريق LPT port .

extract.exe pkzip.exe pkunzip.exe unrar.exe rar.exe
ace.exe lha.exe gzip.exe uharcd.exe mouse.com
attrib.com deltree.exe xcopy.exe diskcopy.com imgExtrc.exe
undelete.com edit.com fdisk.exe fdisk2.exe fdisk3.exe
lf.exe delpart.exe wipe.com zap.com format.com
move.exe more.com find.exe hex.exe debug.exe
split.exe mem.exe mi.com sys.com smartdrv.exe
xmsdsk.exe killer.exe share.exe scandisk.exe scanreg.exe
guest.exe doskey.exe duse.exe biosdtct.exe setver.exe
intersvr.exe interlnk.exe loadlin.exe lfndos.exe doslfn.com

Windows Tools :

- SpaceMonger 1.4 :
ابزاري براي نظارت بر روي مقدار فضاي خالي System .

- Drive Temperature 1.0 :
ابزاري براي اندازه گيري دماي Hard Disk .

- Disk Speed1.0 :
ابزاري براي Test سرعت Hard Disk .

- MemTest 1.0 :
ابزاري براي تست حافظه ي System .
- PageDfrg 2.32 :
بزار Defragmenter براي Windows هاي NT، 2k و XP .

- WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a :
ابزار مناسب براي جداسازي File ها .

- Ghost Image Explorer 11.0.1
- DriveImage Explorer 5.0

ابزارهايي براي حذف ، اضافه و استخراج File هاي image.

- Active Undelete 5.1.010 :
بزاري براي بازيابي اطلاعات در Windows .

- GetDataBack for FAT & NTFS :
يكي از قدرتمند ترين نرم افزارهاي بازيابي اطلاعات .

- Drive SnapShot 1.38 :
ابزاري براي ساخت Disk Image هنگام شروع به عملکرد Windows .

- Restoration 2.5.14 :
ابزاري براي recover کردن File هاي پاک شده .

- GetDataBack for FAT 2.31 :
نرم افزاري براي بازگرداندن اطلاعات براي System هاي FAT .

- GetDataBack for NTFS 2.31 :
نرم افزاري براي بازگرداندن اطلاعات براي System هاي NTFS .

- Startup Control Panel 2.8 :
ابزاري براي ويرايش نرم افزارهاي موجود در Startup .

- IB Process Manager 1.02 :
يک ابزار مدريت پردازش ها براي Windows هاي 9x ، 2k و نمايش اطلاعات DLL و ... .

- Pocket KillBox 2.0 :
ابزاري که توانايي گرفتن ، خواندن و باز گرداني File هاي پاک شده را دارد .

- HijackThis 2.0b :
صفحه اي کلي که وظيفه ي detector و remover و ... را به عهده دارد .

- RootkitRevealer 1.7

- Silent Runners Revision 50 :

يک script رايگان جهت کمک به شناسايي و نمايش Spyware ، Malware و Adware در Startup Process

- CurrPort 1.07 :
نمايش List ي از port هاي TCP و UDP باز شده روي Computer شما .

- Unknown Devices 1.2 :
کمک کننده براي يافتن Device هاي شناخته نشده در Device Manager .

- PCI 32 Sniffer 1.1 / 2705 :
ابزاري براي نمايش اطلاعات همچون Unknown Devices 1.2 .

- NewSID 4.10 :
ابزاري براي تغيير Security ID يا SID براي Windows هاي NT، 2000 و XP .

- Double Driver 1.0 :
ابزاري براي Backup گرفتن و Restore کردن .

- CPU-Z 1.40 :
ابزاري براي نشان دادن اطلاعات Device هاي اصلي System شما .

- CWShredder 2.19 :
يک CoolWebSearch رايج براي Trojan Remover .

- Winsock 2 Fix for 9x
- CCleaner 1.32.345

- XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0 :
ابزاري جهت Repair کردن Windows XP Winsock و error هاي TCP/IP registry .

- EzPcFix :
ابزاري کمک کننده براي remove کردن Viruse ، Spyware و Malware .

- Content Advisor Password Remover 1.0 :
ابزاري براي برداشتن PassWord هاي موجود در IE .

- Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.4
- Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06 / 2705
SpywareBlaster 3.5.1 / 2705
ابزارهايي براي نابودي انواع جاسوس و مخرب .

حجم: 186 مگابایت
منبع فری دانلود

لینکهای کمکی

Filename: Hirens.BootCD.10.6.zip
Filesize: 269.99 MB (283100236 bytes)
ISO MD5: EE6D5EB41802833062F2E3CF2491FBB0
ZIP MD5: 920A321C07298CB25B6B9B292205E8BA

ویرایش توسط دانه کولانه : 04-07-2011 در ساعت 03:44 PM
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تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
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پیش فرض Hiren's BootCD 13.1 All in One Bootable CD which has all these utilities دانلود اخرین نسخه

Hiren's BootCD 13.1 All in One Bootable CD which has all these utilities دانلود اخرین نسخه
Hiren's BootCD چیست ؟

Hiren's BootCD یکی از بهترین مجموعه ابزارهای مورد نیاز برای کاربران نیمه حرفه ای و حرفه ای کامپیوتر می باشد که بدون نیاز به سیستم عامل ویندوز و مستقل از آن (این گونه سی.دی ها را اصطلاحاً Live CD می نامند) اجرا شده و اکثر نیازهای کاربران را رفع می کند. با دانلود و رایت Hiren's BootCD بر روی CD و جایگذاری آن در درایو نوری ، کافیست سیستم را از طریق CD بوت کنید تا ابزارهای جادویی و شگفت انگیز این سی.دی را مشاهده نمایید! این CD دارای ابزارهای بسیار مفیدی از قبیل: بازیابی اطلاعات از هارددیسک ، ابزار پارتیشن بندی هارد ، ابزارهایی برای Backup گیری از هارددیسک ، تست سخت افزارهای سیستم از قبیل هارددیسک ، RAM ، ابزارهایی برای کار با MBR یا همان Master Boot Record ، نمایش اطلاعات سیستمی ، آنتی ویروس با قابلیت اسکن هارددیسک ، ابزارهایی برای اسکن و پاکسازی انواع Trojan ، Worm ، Spyware و... ، ابزارهایی برای بازیابی کلمه عبور سیستم عامل های نصب شده روی کامپیوتر شما ، ابزارهای بهینه سازی و نیز ویندوز زنده! و بسیاری از ابزارهای دیگر ... می باشد که همگی از طریق Dos Boot قابل دسترسی بوده و مستقل از هرگونه سیستم عامل برای اجرا می باشند!

ویژگی های کلیدی سی.دی Hiren's BootCD :

- امکان بازیابی کلمه ی عبور کاربران از ویندوزهای NT ، 2000 ، XP ، Vista و 7
- قابلیت اجرا به صورت Bootable و عدم نیاز به سیستم عاملی خاص جهت اجرا
- دارای ابزاری برای بهینه سازی
- دارای ابزاری برای تست RAM و Hard Disk
- شامل نرم افزارهای Anti virus ، Anti Spyware ، Anti Trojan و... با قابلیت اسکن و پاکسازی
- دارای ابزاری برای مدیریت بر BIOS
- دارای انواع File Manager با ابزارهایی برای پشتیبانی از فایل های فشرده
- دارای ابزارهایی برای مدیریت بر هارددیسک مانند : پشتیبان گیری ، تست ، بازیابی اطلاعات ، پارتیشن بندی و کار با NTFS
- شامل ابزارهایی برای کار با MBR یا Master Boot Record
- دارای ابزارهایی برای نمایش انواع فایل های چند رسانه ای از جمله مشاهده ی تصاویر و ویدیوهای DivX
- دارای ابزارهای مربوط به شبکه مانند IP Scanner ها و...
- دارای ابزارهایی برای Defragmentation هارددیسک

در ضمن آن چه درون این سی دی راه انداز قرار دارد تنها در محیط DOS اجرا خواهد شد. اگر آشنایی کافی با این سیستم عامل ونرم افزارهای درون این سی دی ندارید ، از استفاده به صورت آزمایش و یا تست کردن جدا خودداری نمائید.

Changes From Version 13.0 to 13.1

New Added Softwares:

  • Atlantis Word Processor Compact, fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient, perfect companion for a wide range of your word processing tasks, supports RTF, MS Word DOC 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/2003 and DOCX (Windows Shareware).
  • Auto Mount Drives 1.0: Auto Mount Drives can be used to mount unmounted/hidden drives (Windows Freeware).
  • Complete Internet Repair All in one tool to repair common internet connection issues, it attempts to repair everything internet related on a Windows system (Windows Freeware).
  • MiniXP: More SATA/SCSI/SAS storage drivers added/updated, US Dvorak keyboard layout added, keyboard layout switcher added in the system tray.
  • Mouse Emulator 2.2: You can use your keyboard numpad as a mouse, very useful if your mouse broken or if you are having USB driver problems (Windows Freeware).
  • Prime95 25.11: This will detect for errors in CPU or RAM within a matter of minutes if an overclock is not stable, you can run Torture Test (burn-in) overnight to ensure long-term stability of the hardware (Windows Freeware).
  • Spread32 1.18: Mini Excel with all of the basic features of a spreadsheet program. Run macros, draw objects, generate charts, calculate functions and formulas, reads and writes xls, csv, text, and pxl formats (Windows Freeware).
  • Volume Serial Number Changer 1.2: Allow you to change the drive’s serial number on FAT, FAT32 and NTFS file systems (Windows Freeware).
  • WDIDLE3 1.05: Modifies the behavior of a Western Digital Green drive to wait longer before positioning the heads in their park position and turning off unnecessary electronics (Dos Freeware).
Updated Softwares:

Avira AntiVir Personal (07-02-2011), ComboFix (07-02-2011), Double Driver 4.1, Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (07-02-2011), GPU-Z (Works from MiniXP), grub4dos 2011-01-15, grubinst 1.2, HBCD Customizer 1.6, HBCD Program Launcher 2.1, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1 (07-02-2011), Memtest86+ 4.20, RMPrepUSB 2.1.617, S&M Stress Tests (Works from MiniXP), Spybot – Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (07-02-2011), SpywareBlaster 4.4 (07-02-2011), SuperAntispyware 4.47.1000 (07-02-2011).
Removed Softwares:
  • DriverBackup!
  • SmitFraudfix (No longer updated, Alternatives Combofix/RKill/Malwarebytes)
<DIV align=center>Filename: Hirens.BootCD.13.1.zip
Filesize: 390.63 MB (409600952 bytes)
ISO MD5: 72080B2EA93D1B9469A09C6A01CB5A7B
ZIP MD5: 4F3208D831EC433F5D97DB9B8F875193

Download : Hiren's BootCD 13.1 | Mirror

لیست برنامه های هایرنز بوت

Antivirus Tools
  • Avira AntiVir Personal (07-02-2011): Free anti-virus and anti-spyware on-demand scanner, detects and removes more than 50000 viruses (Windows Freeware).
  • ComboFix (07-02-2011): Designed to cleanup malware infections and restore settings modified by malware (Windows Freeware).
  • CWShredder 2.19: Popular CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover tool (Windows Freeware).
  • Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (07-02-2011): A free standalone anti-virus and anti-spyware on-demand scanner (Windows Freeware).
  • GMER 1.0.15: Hidden services, hidden registry, hidden file scanner, Rootkit Detector and Remover (Windows Freeware).
  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1 (07-02-2011): Anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware (Windows Freeware).
  • Remove Fake Antivirus 1.72: A tool to remove virus/malwares which disguises itself to be an antivirus and produces fake alert/warnings and urge you to purchase a useless copy of the fake antivirus (Windows Freeware).
  • RootkitRevealer 1.7.1: Rootkit Revealer is an advanced patent-pending root kit detection utility (Windows Freeware).
  • Spybot: Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (07-02-2011): Application to scan for spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software (Windows Freeware).
  • SpywareBlaster 4.4 (07-02-2011): Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software (Windows Freeware).
  • SuperAntispyware 4.47.1000 (07-02-2011): Remove Malware, Rootkits, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Parasites (a must have tool) (Windows Freeware).
Backup Tools
  • COPYR.DMA Build013: A Tool for making copies of hard disks with bad sectors (Dos Freeware).
  • CopyWipe 1.14: Copy old hard drive to a new hard drive by copying the entire contents of one drive to another, CopyWipe can also help prevent confidential or private data from being recovered, by securely wiping the contents of a drive (Windows/Dos Freeware).
  • DiskImage 1.6: Creates and writes disk images files to hard and floppy disks (Windows Freeware).
  • Double Driver 4.1: Driver Backup and Restore tool (Windows Freeware).
  • Drive SnapShot 1.40: Creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file while windows is running (Windows Shareware).
  • DriveImage XML 2.20: Backup any drive/partition to an image file, even if the drive is currently in use, a very good freeware alternative to Ghost / Acronis (Windows Freeware).
  • FastCopy 2.06: The Fastest Copy/Delete Software on Windows (Windows Freeware).
  • G4L Ghost 4 Linux 0.34a: A hard disk and partition imaging and cloning tool similar to Norton Ghost (Linux Freeware).
  • GImageX 2.0.17: ImageX is used to backup/restore WIM images for Windows XP/Vista and Windows 7 (Windows Freeware).
  • ImgBurn Lightweight CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray burning application, supports BIN, CUE, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG and PDI, Ability to build DVD/HD/BD Video discs from a VIDEO_TS/HVDVD_TS/BDAV/BDMV folder, Unicode folder/file names (formerly DVD Decrypter) (Windows Freeware).
  • InfraRecorder 0.51: An Open source CD/DVD burning software, also create/burn .iso images (Windows Freeware).
  • Macrium Reflect 4.2.2952: Create complete backups of your disk partitions, including operating system, installed programs and all your settings (Windows Freeware).
  • Partition Image: PartImage 0.6.9: Supported filesystem includes Ext2, Ext3, Reiserfs, HFS, HPFS, JFS, Xfs, UFS, Fat16, Fat32 and NTFS (Linux Freeware).
  • Partition Saving 3.90: A tool to backup/restore partitions (SavePart.exe) (Windows/Dos Freeware).
  • Raw Copy 1.2: Useful tool to transfer the data directly from a faulty drive to another drive, built in data recovery function which will also attempt to recover data from bad sectors (Windows Freeware).
  • RegBak 1.0: A light-weight and simple utility to create backups of Windows registry files (Windows Freeware).
  • Seagate DiscWizard 11.8326: Backup drive/partition to an image file, for Seagate owners (Powered by Acronis TrueImage) (Windows/Linux Freeware).
  • SelfImage To create image files of any mounted or unmounted hard disk partition (Windows Freeware).
  • ShadowCopy 1.00: Copy all your files and entire system: even if they are locked by Windows (Windows Freeware).
  • Smart Driver Backup 2.12: Easy backup of your Windows device drivers (also works from PE) (Windows Freeware).
  • TeraCopy 2.12: TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user a lot of features includes pause, resume, auto shutdown, verify, error recovery and unicode support (Windows Freeware).
  • WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a: A Small File Split / Join Tool (Windows Freeware).
  • XXClone 0.58.0: The simple way to clone a Windows disk to another disk, it makes a self-bootable clone of Windows system disk (Windows Freeware).
  • !BIOS 3.20: A powerfull utility for bios and cmos (Dos Freeware).
  • Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43: DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the MIDF contents (Dos Freeware).
  • BIOS Cracker 5.0: BIOS password remover (cmospwd) (Dos Freeware).
  • BIOS Utility 1.35.0: BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more (Dos Freeware).
  • CMOS 0.93: CMOS Save / Restore Tool (Dos Freeware).
  • DISKMAN4: A powerful all in one utility (Windows/Dos Freeware).
  • Kill CMOS: A tiny utility to wipe cmos (Dos Freeware).
  • UniFlash 1.40: Bios flash utility (Dos Freeware).
Browsers / File Managers
  • 7-Zip 9.20: File archiver with a high compression ratio Supports 7z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZ, GZIP, HFS, IMA, IMG, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, ZIP and Z formats (Windows Freeware).
  • Bulk Rename Utility Rename multiple files, change timestamps and rename using EXIF data with the click of a button (Windows Freeware).
  • Dos Command Center 5.1: Classic dos-based file manager (Dos Freeware).
  • Dos Navigator 6.4.0: Dos File Manager, Norton Commander clone but has much more features (Dos Freeware).
  • EasyUHA 1.1: GUI Tool to create and extract UHA Archives (Windows Freeware).
  • Everything 1.21: Ultra fast file/folder search tool with ftp/http server (Windows Freeware).
  • Explore2fs 1.08b: GUI explorer tool for accessing linux ext2 and ext3 filesystems under windows (Windows Freeware).
  • Ext2Explore 2.2.71: To explore ext2/ext3/ext4 disk/partition, can also be used to view and copy disk and file system images (Windows Freeware).
  • FastLynx 2.0: Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer capability (Dos Freeware).
  • File Maven 3.5: An advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file transfers via serial or parallel cable (Dos Freeware).
  • File Wizard 1.35: A file manager: colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc (Dos Freeware).
  • HashMyFiles 1.68: Calculate MD5/SHA1/CRC32 hashes of your files (Windows Freeware).
  • Mini Windows 98: Can run from Ram Drive, with ntfs support, 7-Zip, Disk Defragmenter, Notepad / RichText Editor, Image Viewer, .avi .mpg .divx .xvid Movie Player, etc. (Windows Commercial).
  • Mini Windows XP: Portable Windows Xp that runs from CD/USB/Ram Drive to repair/recover dead windows operating system. It has LAN and WLAN (Wireless) Network includes 300 WiFi/Ethernet card drivers and can also be customized easily to add your own drivers in HBCD\Drivers folder. Added some USB 3.0 and SATA Storage drivers and VBS/WSH scripting support. Supported keyboard layouts are: United States, United Kingdom, Turkish Q, Turkish F, Swiss German, Swiss French, Swedish, Suomi Finnish, Spanish, Slovenian, Slovak, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Norvegian Norske, Netherlands Dutch, Latin American, Italy, Icelandic, Hungarian, Hebrew, Germany, German Switzerland Luxembourg, Francais Cavier AZERTY, Denmark Daenish, Bulgarian Phonetic, Bulgarian, Brazil Portuguese, Brazil Extended Portuguese and Belgium (Windows Commercial).
  • Opera Web Browser 9.64: One of the fastest, smallest and smartest full-featured web browser (Windows Freeware).
  • SearchMyFiles 1.61: Alternative to ‘Search For Files And Folders’ module of Windows + Duplicates Search (Windows Freeware).
  • Total Commander 7.56a: A file manager similar to the Windows Explorer features side-by-side file-browsing panes, built-in FTP, archive management, file search/compare/synchronize and more (Windows Shareware).
  • Volkov Commander 4.99: Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar to Norton Commander) (Dos Freeware).
  • WinMerge Differencing and merging tool which can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle (Windows Freeware).
  • ATF Cleaner A personal and easy-to-use temp file removal software to clean all user temp folders, Java cache, Opera/Mozilla browser cache, cookies, history, download history, saved passwords etc (Windows Freeware).
  • CCleaner 3.02.1343: Crap Cleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool (Windows Freeware).
  • CleanUp! 4.5.2: Removes junk files from all user profiles that accumulate over time and litter your hard drive (Windows Freeware).
  • CloneSpy 2.52: Duplicate file cleanup tool, can optionaly create hardlinks to save space (Windows Freeware).
  • Data Shredder 1.0: A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space) securely (Windows Freeware).
  • Delete Doctor 2.2: Delete Files that are hard to delete, Option to delete on reboot or via UNC Name (Windows Freeware).
  • Duplicate File Finder 3.5: Scans and identify duplicate files, it compares them based on byte for byte comparison ensures 100% accuracy (Windows Freeware).
  • MyUninstaller 1.70: Alternative to the standard add / remove control panel module (Windows Freeware).
  • Revo Uninstaller 1.90: Remove unnecessary files and registry entries left behind by incomplete program uninstallation routines (Windows Freeware).
  • SpaceMonger 1.4: Keeping track of the free space on your computer (Windows Freeware).
  • SpaceSniffer Find lost space on your disks the easy way (Windows Freeware).
  • WinDirStat A disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows (Windows Freeware).
Editors / Viewers
  • Atlantis Word Processor Compact, fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient, perfect companion for a wide range of your word processing tasks, supports RTF, MS Word DOC 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/2003 and DOCX (Windows Shareware).
  • HxD Hex Editor provides tools to inspect and edit files, main memory, disks/disk images (Windows Freeware).
  • IrfanView 4.28: A free Image Viewer/Editor/Converter and Optimizer (Windows Freeware).
  • Picture Viewer 1.94: Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes (Dos Freeware).
  • QuickView Pro 2.58: Movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx (Dos Freeware).
  • Spread32 1.18: Mini Excel with all of the basic features of a spreadsheet program. Run macros, draw objects, generate charts, calculate functions and formulas, reads and writes xls, csv, text, and pxl formats (Windows Freeware).
  • SumatraPDF 1.1: A free, open source, lightweight PDF Reader for Microsoft Windows (Windows Freeware).
FileSystems Tools
  • AlternateStreamView 1.15: View/Copy/Delete hidden NTFS Alternate Data Streams (Windows Freeware).
  • EditBINI 1.01: To Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition (Dos Freeware).
  • FileDisk Mount Tool 25: To mount ISO/BIN/NRG/MDF/IMA/IMG images on windows (Windows Freeware).
  • Filemon 7.04: Monitors and displays file system activity on a system in real-time (Windows Freeware).
  • NewSID 4.10: Utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP (Windows Freeware).
  • NTFS Access 2.1: Set NTFS permissions recursively and full access rights to a folder/file owner (Windows Freeware).
  • NTFS Dos 3.02: To read-only access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware).
  • NTFS4Dos 1.9: To read and write ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware).
  • Virtual Floppy Drive 2.1: Enables you to create and mount a virtual floppy drive on your NT/2000/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware).
Hard Disk Tools
  • Active Kill Disk 4.1.2393: Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive (Dos Freeware).
  • Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) 1.0.7: Completely deletes the contents of any hard disk it can detect (Linux Freeware).
  • DiskView 2.4: To view graphical map of your disk, allowing you to check where a file is located or, by clicking on a cluster, seeing which file occupies it (Windows Freeware).
  • DiskWipe 1.2: Securely erases the contents of a disk replacing it with random data or leaving the drive completely blank (Windows Freeware).
  • ExcelStor’s ESTest 4.50: ExcelStor hard disk diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware).
  • Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00: To check IDE drives for possible defects/problems (Dos Freeware).
  • Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0: Low Level Format Tool for Fujitsu Drives (Dos Freeware).
  • Gateway GwScan 5.12: Gateway hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware).
  • Hard Disk Sentinel 1.00.5: Hard Disk health, performance and temperature monitoring tool (Dos Freeware).
  • HDAT2 4.53: The main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors for detected devices. A freeware alternative of HDD Regenerator (Dos Freeware).
  • HDD Capacity Restore 1.2: This tool allows you to restore factory capacity of any hard drive. it does not read from or write to the user data area or perform any kind of formatting, only alters HDD firmware (HPA and DCO settings) (Windows Freeware).
  • HDD Erase 4.0: Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard drives (Dos Freeware).
  • HDD Low Level Format Tool 2.36: Low-level format tool for S-ATA (SATA), IDE (E-IDE), SCSI, USB, Flash Cards and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures (Windows Freeware).
  • IBM Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.16: Quickly and reliably tests SCSI, IDE and SATA drives (Dos Freeware).
  • IBM Hitachi Feature Tool 2.15: Allows you to control some of the features of the the HDD (Dos Freeware).
  • Maxtor amset utility 4.0: Utility for changing Acoustic Management on the hard drives (Dos Freeware).
  • Maxtor Low Level Formatter 1.1: Maxtor’s Low Level Format Utility works on any harddrive (Dos Freeware).
  • Maxtor PowerMax 4.23: Designed to perform diagnostic read/write verifications on Maxtor/Quantum hard drives (Dos Freeware).
  • MHDD 4.6: Precise diagnostic of the mechanical part of a drive, perform Low-level format, Bad Sector Sepair, access raw sectors, manage S.M.A.R.T. (SMART) and other drive parameters such as acoustic management, security, Host Protected Area, etc (Dos Freeware).
  • Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28: To diagnose the disk when suspected to have failures (Dos Freeware).
  • Samsung ESTOOL 3.01v: Drive Diagnostic, Automatic Acoustic Management, Enable/Disable SMART etc (Dos Freeware).
  • Samsung HDD Utility (HUTIL) 2.10: The Drive Diagnostic Utility (Dos Freeware).
  • SeaTools for Dos: GUI 2.22 Text 1.10 versions to test Seagate or Maxtor Parallel ATA (PATA and IDE) and Serial ATA (SATA) interface disc drives (Dos Freeware).
  • SmartUDM 2.00: Hard Disk Drive S.M.A.R.T. Viewer (Dos Freeware).
  • Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b: Toshiba hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware).
  • Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus: A freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics (Dos Freeware).
  • Victoria 4.46: Universal program for testing storage devices (Windows Freeware).
  • ViVard 1.0: HDD low-level diagnostics, Surface test with remap, SMART-attributes etc (Dos Freeware).
  • WDClear 1.30: Restore/Erases the drive back to a factory condition (Dos Freeware).
  • WDIDLE3 1.05: Modifies the behavior of a Western Digital Green drive to wait longer before positioning the heads in their park position and turning off unnecessary electronics (Dos Freeware).
  • Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 1.22: To perform drive identification, diagnostics, and repairs on most WD drives (Windows Freeware).
  • Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2: For the installation of Western Digital EIDE Hard Drives (Dos Freeware).
  • Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.19: To quickly and efficiently verify the status of the drive (Dos Freeware).
MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools
  • BellaVista Formerly BCD Editor with lots of options to configure Windows for a developer (Windows Freeware).
  • Boot Partition 2.60: Add Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader (Dos Freeware).
  • BootFix Utility: Run this utility if you get ‘Invalid system disk’ message (Dos Freeware).
  • BootICE 0.80.6: A boot sector manipulation utility (Windows Freeware).
  • BootSect 6.0.6: Boot Sector Manipulation Tool, This tool replaces FixFAT.exe and FixNTFS.exe (Windows Freeware).
  • DiskMan 4.2: All in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more (Windows/Dos Freeware).
  • FbInst 1.6: A tool to create universal flash boot disk that boots from all computers (Windows Freeware).
  • grub4dos 2011-01-15: An universal boot loader based on GNU GRUB, can boot off DOS/LINUX or via Windows boot manager/syslinux/lilo or from MBR/CD, builtin BIOS disk emulation (Linux Freeware).
  • Grub4Dos installer 1.1: An universal boot loader GRUB for DOS GRLDR installer (Windows Freeware).
  • HDHacker 1.4: Load/Save/View MBR and BootSector from a physical/logical drive (Windows Freeware).
  • isolinux 4.03: A boot loader for Linux/i386 that operates off ISO 9660/El Torito CD-ROMs in ‘no emulation’ mode (Linux Freeware).
  • MBR SAVE / RESTORE 2.1: BootSave and BootRest tools to save / restore MBR (Dos Freeware).
  • MBR Utility 1.05: To manipulate a drive’s master boot record (MBR) via the command line (Windows/Dos Freeware).
  • MbrFix 1.3: To backup, restore, fix the boot code in the MBR (Windows/Dos Freeware).
  • MBRTool 2.3.200: Backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write and more (Dos Freeware).
  • MBRWizard 3.0.73: Directly update and modify the Master Boot Record (Windows/Dos Freeware).
  • MBRWork 1.08: A utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR functions (Dos Freeware).
  • MemDisk 4.03: To allow booting legacy operating systems, floppy images, hard disk images and some ISO images (Linux Freeware).
  • PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.11: A small program to boot different operating systems harddisk, floppy, CD/DVD or from USB, it can boot from an USB/CD/DVD even without BIOS support (Linux Freeware).
  • RMPrepUSB 2.1.617: Partition and format your USB drive and make it bootable (Windows Freeware).
  • Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1: A multi boot manager (Linux/Dos Freeware).
  • XOSL 1.1.5: A graphical boot manager that supports multi-booting of various operating systems (Dos Freeware).
Ms Dos Tools
  • 1394 Firewire Support: 1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware).
  • ASUSTeK USB Driver 3: ASUS USB CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.00 (Dos Freeware).
  • Dos tools: Collection of dos utilities extract.exe pkzip.exe pkunzip.exe lha.exe gzip.exe uharcd.exe imgExtrc.exe xcopy.exe diskcopy.com mouse.com undelete.com edit.com fdisk.exe fdisk2.exe fdisk3.exe lf.exe delpart.exe wipe.com zap.com format.com deltree.exe more.com find.exe hex.exe debug.exe split.exe mem.exe attrib.com sys.com smartdrv.exe xmsdsk.exe killer.exe share.exe scandisk.exe guest.exe doskey.exe duse.exe move.exe setver.exe intersvr.exe interlnk.exe loadlin.exe lfndos.exe doslfn.com and more (Dos Commercial).
  • Interlnk support at COM1/LPT1: To access another computer from COM/LPT port (Dos Freeware).
  • SATA Support: SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361 (xcdrom.sys) for Dos (Dos Freeware).
  • SCSI Support: SCSI Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware).
  • Universal USB Driver 2: Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage (Dos Freeware).
  • USB CD-Rom Driver 1: Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive (Dos Freeware).
Network Tools
  • Angry IP Scanner 2.21: Scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ports (Windows Freeware).
  • Complete Internet Repair All in one tool to repair common internet connection issues, it attempts to repair everything internet related on a Windows system (Windows Freeware).
  • CurrPorts 1.85: Displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your computer (Windows Freeware).
  • Network Password Recovery 1.30: Recover Windows XP/Vista network passwords / Credentials file (Windows Freeware).
  • PuTTY 0.60 r3: PuTTY Tray is a free and open source terminal emulator application which can act as a client for the SSH and Telnet (Windows Freeware).
  • SmartSniff 1.72: Network monitoring utility that allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter (Windows Freeware).
  • TCPView 3.02: Lists TCP and UDP endpoints, including the Local/Remote addresses of TCP connections (Windows Freeware).
  • TFtpd32 3.51: Tftpd32 is for Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) client, including DHCP, TFTP, SNTP and Syslog servers, can also be used for PXE boot (Windows Freeware).
  • WinSCP 4.2.9: A free and open source SFTP/FTP client to secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer (Windows Freeware).
  • XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0: Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors (Windows Freeware).
  • Defraggler 2.01.239: To defrag your entire hard drive or individual files (Windows Freeware).
  • MyDefrag 4.3.1: Free disk defragment and optimize utility (formerly JkDefrag) for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware).
  • NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j: Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware).
  • PageDfrg 2.32: System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP (Windows Freeware).
Other Tools
  • Calcute 7.10.4: A compact scientific tape calculator with many features (Windows Freeware).
  • Fix NTLDR is missing: Fix ‘NTLDR is missing, Press any key to restart’ for Windows Xp (Dos Freeware).
  • HBCD Customizer 1.6: HBCDCustomizer.exe is a GUI tool to create custom iso images of Hiren’s BootCD (Windows Freeware).
  • HBCD Program Launcher 2.1: Hiren’s BootCD Program launcher (HBCDMenu.exe and HBCDMenu.csv) can be used to launch all these programs from USB/CD (Windows Freeware).
  • Mini Linux: Recovery is Possible Linux (RIPLinux 11.1) kernel contains afftools, aria2, beaver, cdrtools, clamav, curl, ddrescue, ddpt, defrag, dump/restore, emelfm2, encfs, epdfview, extundelete, findwild, fuse-exfat, fsarchiver, grub2, hdparm, hpacucli, isomaster, lftp, lynx, lzip, mtpaint, ntfs-3g, openssh, partclone, partimage, pccmoscleaner, pcdiskeraser, pcmanfm, pcloginnow, pcregedit, pidgin, qemu, reiserfsck, rdup, safecopy, smbclient, sylpheed, syslinux, tar, truecrypt, tw_cli, tmux, wiper, xfburn, xfprot, xterm and more (Linux Freeware).
  • Mouse Emulator 2.2: You can use your keyboard numpad as a mouse, very useful if your mouse broken or if you are having USB driver problems (Windows Freeware).
  • On-Screen Keyboard: A utility that displays a virtual keyboard on the computer screen that allows people with mobility impairments to type data by using a pointing device or joystick (Windows Freeware).
  • Universal TCP/IP Network 6.5: MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based network. The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based network, it contains 98 different network card drivers (Dos Freeware).
  • WinNTSetup Install Windows 2k/XP/2003 x86/x64 from USB/CD under PE/LiveXP, allows you to apply tweaks and choose driveletter for the new Windows installation (Windows Freeware).
Partition Tools
  • eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3: XFDISK allows easy partition creation and edition (Dos Freeware).
  • Fat32 Formatter GUI 1.01: Windows XP cannot format a volume bigger than 32GB with FAT32 (Windows Freeware).
  • GParted Partition Editor 0.7.0: To create, copy, paste, delete, hide, resize or move partitions without losing data, a good freeware alternative to Partition Magic (Linux Freeware).
  • Mount Drives 1.0: Auto Mount Drives can be used to mount unmounted/hidden drives (Windows Freeware).
  • Partition Table Editor 8.0: Partition Table and Boot Record Editor (Dos Freeware).
  • Partition Wizard Home Edition 5.2: Free Partition Magic Alternative, Partition Resize/Move/Copy/Create/Delete/Format/Convert, Explore, etc (Windows Freeware).
  • Ranish Partition Manager 2.44: A boot manager and hard disk partitioner (Dos Freeware).
  • Smart Fdisk 2.05: A simple harddisk partition manager (Dos Freeware).
  • SPecial Fdisk 2000.03v: SPFDISK is a partition tool (Dos Freeware).
  • Super Fdisk 1.0: Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data (Dos Freeware).
  • The Partition Resizer 1.3.4: Move and resize your partitions in one step (Dos Freeware).
  • USB Format Tool: Format/make bootable any USB flash drive to FAT, FAT32, or NTFS partition (Windows Freeware).
  • Volume Serial Number Changer 1.2: Allow you to change the drive’s serial number on FAT, FAT32 and NTFS file systems (Windows Freeware).
Password Tools
  • ATAPWD 1.2: Hard Disk Password Utility (Dos Freeware).
  • Autologon 3.0: Enables you to easily configure Windows’ built-in autologon mechanism, so you don’t have to wait on the login screen (Windows Freeware).
  • BIOS Master Password Generator: Collection of password generator tools to reset BIOS Power on Password / Admin password on Dell, Fujitsu Siemens, Compaq, Hewlett Packard, Phoenix and Samsung Laptops (Windows Freeware).
  • BulletsPassView 1.00: Reveal the passwords stored behind the bullet (asterisk) characters in Windows / IE (Updated Asterisk Logger) (Windows Freeware).
  • Content Advisor Password Remover 1.01: It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet Explorer (Windows Freeware).
  • IE PassView 1.25: It allows you to view username and passwords saved by Internet Explorer (Windows Freeware).
  • Kon-Boot 1.0: To bypass Login Password of Windows (32bit, any password) and Linux login as kon-usr (Linux Freeware).
  • LicenseCrawler Find the license keys and serial numbers of your programs (Windows Freeware).
  • Mail PassView 1.70: Recovers mail passwords of Outlook Express, MS Outlook, IncrediMail, Eudora, etc (Windows Freeware).
  • MessenPass 1.40: A password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of several instant messangers (Windows Freeware).
  • NTPWD: Utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password (Dos Freeware).
  • NTPWEdit 0.3: Password editor for Windows NT based systems to change or remove passwords for local system accounts (Windows Freeware).
  • Offline NT Password Changer 2010-06-27: Utility to reset/unlock windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 administrator/user password (Linux Freeware).
  • Password Renew 1.1: Utility to set/reset windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 (32bit only) passwords (Windows Freeware).
  • PasswordFox 1.26: Allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox Web browser (Windows Freeware).
  • ProduKey 1.45: Recovers lost the product key of your Windows/Office (Windows Freeware).
  • PST (Outlook) Password Recovery 1.15: PstPassword is a small utility that recovers lost password of Outlook .PST (Personal Folders) file (Windows Freeware).
  • Router IP/Passwords: The complete list of Default Router Passwords and Default Router IP Addresses, can be useful if you have misplaced the manual or lost your router password (Windows Freeware).
  • SniffPass 1.12: A password monitoring tool that listens to your network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, it works on POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP protocols and recovers lost Web/FTP/Email passwords (Windows Freeware).
  • WindowsGate 1.1: Enables/Disables Windows logon password validation (Windows Freeware).
  • WinKeyFinder 1.73: Allows you to View and Change Windows XP/2003 Product Keys, backup and restore activation related files, backup Microsoft Office 97, 2000 SP2, XP/2003 keys etc (Windows Freeware).
  • WirelessKeyView 1.34: Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by WZC Wireless Zero Configuration (Windows Freeware).
  • XP Key Reader 2.7: Can decode the XP-key on Local or Remote systems (Windows Freeware).
Process Tools
  • Dependency Walker 2.2: Checks for missing/invalid DLL/modules/functions for any exe/dll/ocx/sys (Windows Freeware).
  • IB Process Manager 1.04: A little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc (Windows Freeware).
  • OpenedFilesView 1.47: View opened/locked files in your system, sharing violation issues (Windows Freeware).
  • Pocket KillBox Can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them (Windows Freeware).
  • Process Explorer 14.1: Shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded (Windows Freeware).
  • Process Monitor 2.93: To monitor real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity, This tool replaces Filemon and Regmon (Windows Freeware).
  • ProcessActivityView 1.11: Detailed process access information read/write/opened files etc (Windows Freeware).
  • RKill (24-10-2010): RKill just kills malware processes, imports a Registry file that removes incorrect file associations and fixes policies that stop us from using certain tools (Windows Freeware).
  • RunAsDate 1.10: Allows you to run a program in the date and time that you specify (Windows Freeware).
  • Unlocker 1.9.0: This tool can delete file/folder when you get this message: Cannot delete file: Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc (Windows Freeware).
Recovery Tools
  • DataRescue DD 1.0: DrDD is a disk imager intended for data recovery and backup of partially corrupted storage devices, the main advantages are Range Selection and Copy Backward Direction (Windows Freeware).
  • DiskDigger Undelete and recover lost photos, videos, music, documents and other formats from your hard drive, memory cards and USB flash drives (Windows Freeware).
  • DiskGenius 3.2: Restore deleted partition, Rebuild MBR, Rebuild partition table, Recover files, Restore formatted partition, Backup files by partition, Disk clone, Backup partition table, Create/Delete/Format Partitions etc (Windows Shareware).
  • IsoBuster 2.8.5: CD/DVD/Blu-ray and Disk Image File data recovery tool that can read and extract files, tracks and sessions from CD-i, VCD, SVCD, CD-ROM, CD-ROM XA, DVD, DVCD BD and HD DVD and other media as well as a wide variety of disk image formats, it also has retry-mechanisms for damaged CD/DVD (Windows Shareware).
  • Partition Find and Mount 2.31: Partition Find and Mount software is designed to find lost or deleted partitions (Windows Freeware).
  • PartitionRecovery 1.0: A freeware tool to recover accidentally deleted partitions (Windows Freeware).
  • PhotoRec 6.12b: Tool to Recover File and pictures from Dos/Windows/Linux (Windows/Dos/Linux Freeware).
  • Recuva 1.39.509: Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3 player etc (Windows Freeware).
  • Restoration 3.2.13: A tool to recover deleted files (Windows Freeware).
  • ShadowExplorer 0.7: Shadow Explorer allows you to browse the shadow copies created by the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service and retrieve older versions from files you accidentally deleted or altered (Windows Freeware).
  • Smart Partition Recovery 3.3: Find Lost NTFS partitions and restore them back (Windows Freeware).
  • SoftPerfect File Recovery 1.2: To restore accidentally deleted files from hard drive, USB flash drives, CF and SD memory cards (Windows Freeware).
  • TestDisk 6.12b: Tool to check and undelete partition from Dos/Windows/Linux (Windows/Dos/Linux Freeware).
  • Unstoppable Copier 5.2: Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data (Windows Freeware).
Registry Tools
  • ERUNT 1.1j: The Emergency Recovery Utility NT Registry Backup and Restore for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP (Windows Freeware).
  • Fix HDC: Fix the Hard Drive Controller when replacing your motherboard on an XP system (Windows Freeware).
  • Glary Registry Repair An advanced registry cleaner that allows you to safely scan, clean, and repair registry problems (Windows Freeware).
  • RegFromApp 1.21: Monitors/exports the Registry changes made by the selected application (Windows Freeware).
  • Registry Editor PE 0.9c: Easy editing of remote registry hives and user profiles (Windows Freeware).
  • Registry Restore Wizard 1.0.4: Restores a corrupted system registry from Xp System Restore (Windows Freeware).
  • Registry Viewer 4.2: Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP (Dos Freeware).
  • Regmon 7.04: A monitoring utility that will show you which applications are accessing your Registry (Windows Freeware).
  • RegScanner 1.83: Tool to find/search in the Registry of Windows (Windows Freeware).
  • RegShot 1.8.2: A registry compare utility that allows you to quickly take a snapshot of your registry and then compare it with a second one: done after doing system changes or installing a new software product (Windows Freeware).
Remote Control Tools
  • Ammyy Admin 2.13: For remote computer access, desktop sharing, file transfer, voice connect remote computer (Windows Freeware).
  • TeamViewer 5.0.8703: Access any remote computer via Internet just like sitting in front of it, even through firewalls (Windows Freeware).
  • TightVNC 2.0.2: Cross-platform Remote Desktop Software to view/control remote pc with mouse and keyboard (Windows Freeware).
Security / Encryption Tools
  • DiskCryptor 0.9: High speed disk encryption tool to encrypt all disk/partitions, including the system partition encryption support (Windows Freeware).
  • TrueCrypt 7.0a: On-the-fly Linux/Windows disk encryption tool, can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a real disk, can also encrypt an entire HDD/Partition/USB Drive (Windows/Linux Freeware).
Startup Tools

<UL>Autoruns 10.06: Displays All the entries from startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys, Explorer shell extensio

ویرایش توسط دانه کولانه : 04-07-2011 در ساعت 04:29 PM
پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 04-07-2011
دانه کولانه آواتار ها
دانه کولانه دانه کولانه آنلاین نیست.
    مدیر کل سایت
کوروش نعلینی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

7,486 سپاس در 1,899 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض How to Burn a ISO Image چگونه فایلهای ایزو و ایمیج را رایت کنیم ؟

How to Burn a ISO Image چگونه فایلهای ایزو و ایمیج را رایت کنیم ؟
چگونه بک آپ ها را بر روی سی دی / دی وی دی رایت کنیم ؟

چگونه با استفاده از نرو nero فایلهای iso را رایت کنیم ؟
How to Burn a ISO Image
You will need:
(1) A ISO Image you wish to burn to CD
(2) A Blank CD or a Blank DVD
(3) Download
Step 1
Start BurnCDCC.exe
Step 2
Click on Browse and choose your iso image

Now choose your Burner and click on finalize now set the Speed to 32X (4X for CDRW) and click on Start

How to burn a ISO Image using Nero Burning ROM
You will need:
(1) A ISO Image you wish to burn to CD
(2) A blank CD
(3) A copy of Nero Burning ROM

Step 1
Start Nero Burning ROM
Step 2
Select "Burn Image" from the "Recorder" menu

Step 3
Select "Image files (*.nrg, *.iso, *.cue)".
Select your iso file

Step 4
From here it's like any other CD. Click on "Burn"

After few minutes your cd is ready to use
پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 04-08-2011
امیر عباس انصاری آواتار ها
امیر عباس انصاری امیر عباس انصاری آنلاین نیست.
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720

6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

عجب مجموعه کاملیه
دستت درد نکنه بعدا بیفتم جونش ببینم چی چی داره داداااااااا
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 04-08-2011
دانه کولانه آواتار ها
دانه کولانه دانه کولانه آنلاین نیست.
    مدیر کل سایت
کوروش نعلینی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

7,486 سپاس در 1,899 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض

ببینید تا با نرم افزار نورتون گوست کار نکنین لذت واقعیش رو نمیچشین ...
حتما باید هایرنز بوت رو داشته باشین ...
چه استفاده ای داره ؟

یه ویندوز خوب نصب میکنین (یا خصوصا برای اونهایی که ویندوز اورجینال روی لپ تاپشون هست) بعد تمام نرم افزارهای دلخواهتون رو نصب میکنین بعد انتی ویروس نصب میکنین اپدیتش میکنین بعضی ها اخرین اپدیتهای امنیتی ویندوز رو هم دانلود و نصب میکنند بنابراین در این مرحله شما یه ویندوز سالم دارین که کلی روش زحمت کشیده این گاهی هم با دردسر زیاد یکی از سخت افزارهاتون که دشوار نصب میشه هم رو نصب کرده اید و اصلا نمیخوایید 2 ماه دیگه ویندوزتون خراب بشه مجبور بشید کل این راه رو دوباره برید
بنابراین در این مرحله با نورتون گاوست یه بک آپ کامل از درایو ویندوزتون میگیرین برای من حدود 3 دقیقه طول میکیشه و در 3 دقیقه هم برش میگردونه (در بعضی روش ها بیش از 1 ساعت طول میکشه)
فایل نهایی رو در یک درایو دیگه ذخیره میکنین 3 ماه بعد ویندوزتون خراب میشه ..
مثل اب خوردن با 3 دقیقه شما صاحب همون ویندوز سالم و کامل 3 ماه پیش میشین .

فقط توجه داشته باشین که وقتی ریستور میکنین کل درایوی که دارین توش ریستور میکنین پاک میشه بنابراین حواستون باشه اگر عکس یا فایل خاصی دارین قبلش منتقل کنین به یک درایو دیگه ...

این فقط یکی از نرم افزار های هایرنز بوته ...

شاید گاهی پیش اومده که فایل boot.ini ویندوزتون خراب شده و ویندوز بالا نمیاد
یا با مشکل NTDETECT احتمالا برخورد کرده این اگر فایل ntdetect در درایو c شما پاک بشه به مشکل بر میخورین و نمیتونین ویندوزتون رو لود کنین یه نرم افزار خیلی ساده برای رفع این مشکل هست
یا کلی نرم افزار برای رفع عیوب سخت افزاری و بد سکتور های هارد
از همه مهمتر اگر پسورد ویندوزتون رو فراموش کرده این !!!!!!
یا خدای نکرده میخواین به سیستم کسی به زور وارد بشین نرم افزارهای بسیار زیادی هست توی نرم افزار ..
فکر کن پسورد ویندوزت یاد بره ...
پاسخ با نقل قول

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