موضوع: The Story of PCcity
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قدیمی 10-23-2011
KHatun آواتار ها
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کاربر فعال ادبیات جهان
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 210
سپاسها: : 86

250 سپاس در 115 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Saba_Baran90 نمایش پست ها
Ok! you know whAt guys?We are all confused!And this whole confusion thing will go on unless we figure sth out for it!
What about the role thing we talked about?This is confusing cuz all of us playing the being the narrator
we should think of a general plot and then expand it,elaborate it, like cooardinating one another!
?what say u
I agree. we need to make up a plot first. these kind of theme-based, psychological stories are very subjective, so it's almost impossible to expand it in a way to satisfy everyone
stream of consciousness does not accept pause
well...let's go on in this way
the guy wakes up wondering why he feels so different that day
something must have happened, for example a thing had been taken away from him, or something/someone had entered his room

که ای بلندنظر! شاهباز سدره نشین
نشیمنِ تو نه این کنج محنت آباد است

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