نمایش پست تنها
قدیمی 02-07-2010
زکریا فتاحی آواتار ها
زکریا فتاحی زکریا فتاحی آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Nov 2008
محل سکونت: پاوه
نوشته ها: 1,479
سپاسها: : 20

120 سپاس در 80 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
زکریا فتاحی به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض

O Love, you brought forth a jug
Filled with the ache that my heart clog
I won’t drink this wine, this drug!
Drink but for my heart’s sake!

From this wine poured me a cup
Wisely his praises I brought up
Bittersweet, pleasing to sup
Like the praises my heart would make.

From the Wheel of Fortune and fate
Stepped forth a Soul so great
I ran forth to demonstrate
The rewards my heart had at stake.

O Divine Secret, of Thee I ask
Yourself for crowds do not unmask.
Praised and thanked me for my task
For my heart’s sake, thus He spake.

I was pleased that my Beloved’s face
Towards my home its path would trace
And opened up with much grace
The veil covering my heart break.

If Love for blood may thirst
Brave warriors are curst
Mountains spontaneously burst
In such place my heart quake.

O Thou the bringer of cure
Pleasure and pain you endure
Only in you I am secure
Thou can cure my heartache.

Every fruit if only tries
My heart’s ache can realize
Melancholic face, bloodshot eyes
Streams form heart’s bloody lake.

King of the World put away tears
The Pride of Tabriz appears
Light of Truth, Shams, now nears
Thy light my heart will wake and take.

Ó Shahriar Shahriari
Vancouver, Canada
September 14, 1998

درمان غم عشق بگویم که چه باشد
وصل است و بهار است و می بربط و چنگ است
زنهار مرو هیچ سوی بیشه ی عشاق
چنگال غمش تیزتر از چنگال پلنگ است

ئه و روژه ی "مه جنون" له زوخاو نوشی ...مه ینه ت فه وتانی، کفنیان پوشی
من بومه واریس له قه وم و خویشی . . . سپاردی به من ئازاری و ئیشی

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